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The Fierce Freedom Podcast

Jan 26, 2021

A first for our podcast, we'll hear the incredible story of how John Turnipseed, a former pimp, drug dealer and gang leader of the most notorious gang in Minnesota was transformed into a community leader, pastor, speaker and agent for change.

John unpacks how childhood abuse and normalized gang culture shaped him into a hugely notorious gang leader, and shares what he believes to be the number one indicator if someone will end up in a life of pimping, gangs, or prostitution and the "greatest issue facing the world today."

John also serves as Director of The Center for Fathering and Vice President of Urban Ventures, a 21-year-old non-profit set in the heart of the same Minneapolis gang territory that John and his family terrorized and acting President of MADDADS (Men Against Destruction Defending Against Drugs and Social Disorder)

To learn more about the important work he is doing visit his website at: