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The Fierce Freedom Podcast

Jan 13, 2020

In this episode we are joined by Dawn Fiedler, Founder and President of Join the Movement to Stop Human Trafficking, Professional Speaker and Board Member for Treehouse Childhood Advocacy Center, and New Beginnings APFV (Association for Prevention of Family Violence), Elkhorn Rotary Club and Assistant Governor for Rotary District #6270. Dawn, who is an incredible advocate for change and a digital safety expert, will highlight the work she is doing for Wisconsin as well as strategies to protect your children in a digital age.

Together we’ll also unpack why large sporting and tourist events lead to a huge swell in trafficking as Dawn explains her involvement in End It Wisconsin, an initiative ahead of the 43rd Ryder Cup, this year held in Kohler WI. This event is known as the “Superbowl” of human trafficking for golf – as there are already more than 150,000 hotel reservations. She’ll also briefly discuss strategies the Greater Milwaukee HT Task Force is taking ahead of the Democratic Nat’l Convention.

For resources from Join the Movement to Stop Human Trafficking including their social media toolkit, or questions for Dawn, please contact her directly at