Jun 29, 2021
For today's podcast we invited Detective Carter Staaf, a friend of Fierce Freedom and this past year's recipient of the Dave Malone for Service and Excellence award. He is joined by returning guest Amanda Casey, Survivor Advocate for Fierce Freedom.
The two will explain best practices for law enforcement agents and...
Jun 22, 2021
Trafficking in strip clubs is an all too common tale, and occurs when traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to force them to engage in commercial sex acts.
To share an insider's perspective we invited two owners of a gentlemen's club to share how they believe this industry has changed and their desire to eradicate...
Jun 15, 2021
What is the difference between seeing a peer specialist and a therapist? To chat more about this we invited Renee Sommer, certified Peer Specialist and Founder of At the Roots LLC.
Renee shares about how her personal experience with counseling led her to become a peer specialist and why it may be a good fit for...
Jun 8, 2021
Is sex work work? Should it be legalized? And would its legalization lead to more STD prevention?
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, it is important to hear from multiple perspectives, which is why we invited Jess Teresi, survivor of childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence, an advocate for...
Jun 1, 2021
Ever wondered how trauma presents differently in adults versus children? We invited Licensed Psychologist Sara Werner to share her expertise of working for over 26 years to facilitate healing from abuse and trauma for kids and adults alike.
She shares about how trauma presents in adults versus youth, as well as the the...