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The Fierce Freedom Podcast

Apr 26, 2022

Remedy Drive isn't just your average rock band, their music is interwoven with real stories of the international sex trade.

Band front-man and lyricist David Zach speaks of the band's origins and how his passion was fanned into flame by the actions of other heroes from the abolitionist movement - leading him to assist...

Apr 19, 2022

In the state of Wisconsin sexual assault of a minor is considered a felony, and the blame falls on the adult perpetrator... unless of course money changes hands. Adopting a safe harbor law would change all that in our state.

We invited Executive Director of Fight to End Exploitation and fellow advocate for Safe Harbor...

Apr 12, 2022

Today Podcast Producer and Community Program Specialist for Fierce Freedom Cat Morgan will be on the other side of the... microphone (actually she just moved one chair to sit in the guest spot).

Cat will share with Executive Director Jenny Almquist what she feels have been important lessons while doing this work for 4...

Apr 5, 2022

We arrest 5x the amount of juveniles in the US as any other country in the world. Each year we lock away youth for minor offenses which drain millions in taxes while providing no benefit to public safety. For the youth it is dangerous, non-rehabilitative and may likely become an on-ramp for further exploitation...